You hope you never have to come in for Folsom Lake accident repair, but it is a reality for some drivers. The best way to prevent accidents is to drive prepared and alert. If an accident does happen and you need to make repairs, Folsom Lake Ford recommends following these guidelines to know when to come in.

Injuries and Death

First things first: if a driver or passenger has been injured or worse in an accident, tend to them first. Your vehicle can wait; treating lives and seeking medical attention are more important.

When Should You Come in for Folsom Lake Accident Repair?

Determining when to bring your vehicle in for accident repair can be tricky. Accidents can cause varying degrees of damage which may or may not affect critical systems. A general schedule to follow would be:

  • Major systems damaged / car won’t turn on: A serious accident might cause a vital system to fail completely. Alternatively, your vehicle might not turn on or gain any power. In this case, you’ll want to get the vehicle to a service station immediately.
  • The car’s handling has changed: Sometimes, an accident will cause your vehicle’s performance to feel off. Usually, this means a critical system has been misaligned. A service technician should look at this within a few days.
  • Cosmetic damage: If your vehicle has cosmetic damage but otherwise runs fine, accident repair isn’t necessary immediately. Depending on the severity of the damage, you can likely wait up to a week.

Get Your Car Repaired at Folsom Lake Ford

If you’ve been in an accident recently and need repairs done on your vehicle, our dealership can help you. Visit Folsom Lake Ford today for any accident-related service you need done.