As with other Ford parts, taking proper care of your engine is essential to its longevity and efficiency. Here are seven simple ways to enhance your engine’s lifespan from the technicians at Folsom Lake Ford.

Prioritize Regular Oil Changes

Regular oil changes are crucial for maintaining engine health. Oil lubricates engine components, reducing friction and preventing overheating. Follow your Ford vehicle’s recommended oil change schedule and use the specified oil type as listed in your owner’s manual to ensure optimal performance.

Keep Fluids Topped Up

Engine fluids are vital to your vehicle’s performance. Ensure that coolant, transmission, and brake fluid are regularly checked and maintained at proper levels to prevent mechanical issues and keep your engine running smoothly in any weather.

Stick to Scheduled Maintenance

Adhering to your vehicle’s maintenance schedule is the foundation of proper care. Routine inspections and repairs can prevent minor issues from becoming more significant problems down the road.

Drive Responsibly

How you drive impacts your engine. Smooth driving, avoiding aggressive accelerations and hard braking, can significantly extend the life of your engine and improve your fuel efficiency, too.

Manage Engine Temperature

Prevent your engine from overheating by maintaining your cooling system. Regularly check coolant levels and your radiator to ensure adequate heat dissipation and to prevent engine damage.

Use the Right Fuel

Use the correct fuel type for your Ford vehicle to avoid build-up that can degrade engine performance. High-quality fuel helps maintain clean engine components and efficient operation.

Respond to Engine Warning Signs

Be attentive to any signs of engine distress, such as unusual noises, a drop in performance, or the check engine light. Early detection of problems through regular inspections can prevent more severe issues.

Schedule Service for Your Ford Parts Near Sacramento, CA

Regular maintenance helps to avoid costly repairs and keep your Ford vehicle in top condition. Contact the service team at Folsom Lake Ford to schedule your next service appointment. We’ll ensure your Ford vehicle continues to perform at its best with quality Ford parts.